Friday, June 3, 2011

I gave up on the Asparagus too early

It took until almost the end of May, but there are now 4 asparagus plants that have sprouted. They are still pretty sad looking, but a couple of them are taller than any of the stalks last year. Much like last year, they do not seem capable of holding themselves up for some reason. They are in a partially shaded area, and they only get good sun if they are upright, so I decided to stake up the larger stalks. Here is a bad picture that gives you the general idea. Down near the base of the stake you can see a couple little tiny stalks laying on the ground. They are alive and photosynthesizing, they just don't want to stand up for some reason.

Other random garden news:
- It has been sunny and dry for a week or so! The ground has now gone from saturated to overly dry. The plants have had so much water this spring that they probably aren't used to not having water, so I've been watering the smaller more sensitive plants.

- I still haven't harvested anything significant from the garden yet, but it might be getting close for some of the lettuce.

- The newest "leaves" growing from the garlic don't look like leaves at all, so it might be time for garlic scapes in a few weeks!

- The rest of the Arugula, Pak Choi, and Broccoli Rabe has bolted. I'll probably harvest what I can of it in the next few days. I might consider planting some more greens since it will still be a while before I put Brussel's Sprouts in that spot. I did already plant some radish seeds there today.

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