Monday, July 15, 2013

The Orchard Is Alive

I'm happy to report that the orchard at Miller Homestead North is doing pretty well.  It appears that all the trees/bushes survived their transplant.  Most are doing well and growing, though the chestnuts took a pretty good beating when they started to open up before getting hit with a late spring hard frost.  Some of the apples are showing a strange wilting of the growing tips.  They had been getting quite a bit of rain, and I didn't see any sign of any bugs or disease beyond the wilting, so the cause is a mystery.  It  may just be the weird weather, but they were given a general-purpose spray just in case.  Everything else is green and growing.  The pictures below are the hazelnuts.  One close-up of a smaller one, and the other picture is down the row.  They are dramatically different sizes because the smaller ones were given to me by a friend at a young age, while the bigger ones are several year old nursery trees.  You can also see that the mixture of clover and grass surrounding the trees is growing well.  There are some holes due to spotty germination, but they should fill in.

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