Here is a pic of my backyard on october 10th. Thats basically one month after planting.
Its actually October 21st now as I write this (I'm a bit lazy about uploading pics). The grass now looks significantly higher than in the picture, but the Hairy Vetch looks about the same. I suppose you can't really see the Vetch in the first picture, so here's a close-up (also take on 10/10).
October has been unseasonably cold so far, so that hasn't helped the Vetch at all. As long as it makes it through the winter....
The only other bit of gardening related news is that I went to a composting presentation at the local Cornell Cooperative Extension. It was mildly informative. Throw a bunch of kitchen and yard scraps in a pile and let the bacteria and fungus go to town. Actually, one thing I learned that I didn't previously know is that you should stir up the compost pile as often as you can. The class was only $5 and included coffee, coffee cake, and doughnut holes, so I can't really complain.
I hope that grass is an annual. Otherwise it looks like its settling in for the long haul!