Monday, September 5, 2011

Its about time for an update

For various reasons I haven't been giving my garden much attention lately. I finally got around to doing a bunch of needed work on it today. One of the things I did was thin out the carrots that I planted in July for (hopefully) fall harvest. These thinnings, while small, look promising. There are actually little baby carrots there!
For the last month or so, I noticed that there was a "volunteer" cucurbit growing out of one of the compost piles. Its not in the way of anything (its in a mostly shaded area), so I've been letting it grow. It has started to flower and by the looks of one of the female flowers, it seems to be a zuchinni plant. We'll see if it actually makes any zuchinnis before it gets too cold out. Here is said plant.
This area is a bunch of greens that I planted in July and August for fall picking. They are growing very well and need to be thinned out. There is lettuce, arugula, pak choi, and rapini in there.
Here is the pile of bean vegetation that grew up a couple of wooden stakes that I leaned against the garage. The stakes are 8', and the beans grew above that and up into the lilac bush. This variety is supposed to consistently grow beans all summer long. They certainly grew well all summer, but never produced a single bean. The crazy thing is that now they are covered in flower buds. I think they should have time to mature into beans before it gets too cold.
Meanwhile, the other bean variety has produced beans all summer. I'm not sure how I feel about the taste or texture of them, but they are productive. It turns out that if you let the beans keep growing without picking them, they can get huge.
Its always tough to get a good picture of the peppers since they are shrouded in foliage, but I was doing some re-staking of the pepper plants that are currently over-burdened with peppers and I was able to get a reasonable shot of the two cayenne pepper plants. There are (quite literally) dozens of cayennes on each plant and they keep growing more of them. I planned on making hot sauce out of them, but I may have more than I know what to do with.

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