Saturday, January 23, 2010

Vina Teresita 2008 Merlot - 7.5

This wine review is for the 2008 Vina Teresita Merlot from California.
Hallie thinks the wine smells pretty good, and I happen to agree. Its got a more grapey smell than most dry reds. Its got some earthy and smokey flavors to it. That trails off into a nice berry finish. I suspect this has spent time getting intimately acquainted with an oak barrel or two. Noticeably strong alcohol, but its balanced well by some relatively strong flavors. If you've got a dinner with some strong flavors, this wine might pair well with it. Overall, this is a very good wine.

Jaime's first impression was that it was very acidic, but after letting it breathe, that seems to have gone away. She says its smooth and easy to drink. She senses a fruity flavor, probably apple-like.

Peter rates this wine a 7 out of 10. I would buy this wine.
Jaime rates this wine an 8 out of 10. She almost gave it a nine.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I'm new to wine drinking so after about 15 minutes of the wine breathing in a canter, I was on the verge of tossing the entire bottle, but after being called away for over an hour. I decided to give it one more sip. To my delight it was very fruity, and smooth.
